Father's Day | Eddie Parker IV | One Church

Father’s Day | Eddie Parker IV | One Church


Which do you prefer - ocean or mountain?

Discussion Questions:

QUESTION 1: What stands in the way of us choosing Biblical standards vs earthly standards?

QUESTION 2: Pastor Eddie gave us some tools around moral behavior, knowledge, self control, patient endurance, kindness and godliness. Where are you strong? Where are you weak? And do you have accountability with someone to help?

QUESTION 3: If you feel comfortable sharing, reminisce on a time where you know you were free but still lived in bondage. How did God show up in your life to change things?

Guided Prayer:

Father we thank you for all that you do and who you are. We invite you here to minister to us through the message. Allow us to be sensitive to what you want to do in and through us. Let us feel your presence and remember that closeness to you is the goal. Help us to lay our burdens down and fill us with your peace, love, joy and hope. In Jesus name we pray, AMEN!

Action Step:

What can you do to increase your knowledge of God? Look at various ways whether it is to read the Bible, do a daily devotional, listen to podcasts and journal. Find one that works for you and make a plan.

Further Study:

2 Peter 1:8-9

Hosea 4:6

Proverbs 25:28

Galatians 6:9

Isaiah 40:31

1 Timothy 4:8

1 Peter 3:15

One Church