“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord. God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us.”

get involved
Read below to learn about some of our teams at One Church. Fill out the form linked below to get more information on the teams you’re most interested in!
The Care team exists to support our church family during life’s celebrations, sorrows and celebrations. This team has opportunities to serve on the prayer team, spiritual coaching, pre marital and marriage coaching, financial assistance and more.
Weekend Serve Opportunities
The communications team brings together those gifted creatively in social media, photography, design and video to spread the word of Jesus. On Sundays, this team works together to capture and post content and plan for church wide communication.
Weekend Serve Opportunities
Our Guest Experience team creates environments where guests feel welcome, safe and at home serving them from the street to the seat and back. This team includes our parking team, greeters, auditorium ushers, coffee, welcome tent, and lobby connectors! A guests first experience has the opportunity to change their life.
Weekend Serve Opportunities
Groups help support the spiritual growth of our church family and help people create impactful relationships. Opportunities to serve within groups include becoming group leaders. Groups are how we CONNECT relationally & GROW spiritually - learning, support, encouragement, accountability, and fun. Lead a Group today!
Music is a powerful form of worshipping Jesus and we using music to unite us where we get to experience this as a church every week. We encourage those with musical talent to start the audition process to become a part of the One Church Music team!
Choir Occasional Serve Opportunities
The Next Steps team is designed to help people go from crowd to community and partners with people taking spiritual next steps. The Next Steps team has opportunities to serve at special events such as Baptism and Welcome to One Church as well as behind the scenes administrative tasks throughout the week.
Occasional Serve Opportunities
Our One Kids team is committed to teaching our next generation of leaders more about Jesus and equipping our kids with the tools they need to change the world. This team has opportunities to serve our infants, toddlers, elementary kids, family hosts, curriculum preparation, behind the scenes administrative roles and more.
Weekend Serve Opportunities
Our ONE YTH team is committed to igniting a youth movement to reach a disconnected culture. There are opportunities to serve our youth students as yth leaders, on the worship or production teams, prayer team, and event team both on Wednesday nights at Ignite and Sunday mornings at Sunday Cool.
Weekly Serve Opportunities
This team is comprised of compassionate individuals who are dedicated to being the hands and feet of Jesus by making a local and global impact. They organize targeted events throughout the year that require advance preparation and support to execute that all bring unique opportunities to serve our city and help change the world.
Occasional Serve Opportunities
This department helps serve the facilities and operational aspects of our church. There are opportunities to serve and assist with building projects including work days and construction projects.
Occasional Serve Opportunities
The Production team works diligently every Sunday to allow all of our guests to have an excellent experience where they are inspired and encounter God. Positions to serve on this team include, but are not limited to, ProPresenter, lighting, audio, and video production.
Weekend Serve Opportunities
The Church Online team works diligently every Sunday to make sure that guest who attend online feel our One Church culture through our online streams. This team includes Facebook & YouTube facilitators, One Church Live platforms, Online prayer teams, & so much more.
Weekend Serve Opportunities
Our Special Events team works diligently behind the scenes to make our events feel welcoming, warm, & like home. This team helps get our campuses ready for big events like Easter, Christmas, & One Big Party. Serve opportunities consist of things like event prep & decor execution.
Occasional Serve Opportunities
Our VIP team supports our various environments to serve the special needs community. There are regular opportunities to serve children 14 and under on Sundays, 14 and above on Wed nights in the Special Gifts group, and youth on Wed nights. If you have a heart for special needs and/or experience in serving this community, this team is for you.
Occasional/Weekly Serve Opportunities