Courage, Compassion, Humility | Greg Ford | One Church

Courage, Compassion, Humility | Greg Ford | One Church


Would you rather: Sky dive or go swimming with sharks?

Discussion Questions:

QUESTION 1: We know everyone in this group will not see each political, social and cultural issue the same. Despite that, how can we stay unified as a group and as a church?

QUESTION 2: Courage, Compassion and Humility helps the gospel spread like wild fire according to Rodney Stark in his book. How can we apply those 3 things this week?

QUESTION 3: How do we use wisdom in elevating love above all else?

Guided Prayer:

Father we thank you for all that you do and who you are. Guide us by your spirit to be unified as a church and as a community of believers. May we walk with courage, compassion and humility and teach us to have the heard of the Jesus.

Action Step:

Pray this week and ask God to give you revelation of his word and of his heart to be more like him in your actions, your words. Be slow to speak and quick to listen full of grace and truth.

Further Study:

John 8

John 13

John 17

Acts 15

Phillipians 2

Phillipians 4

• MESSAGE SERIES GROUPS Video Recap & Discussion Guide •

One Church