Persuaded | Greg Ford | One Church
Persuaded | Greg Ford | One Church
Who was your hero growing up?
Discussion Questions:
QUESTION 1: Can you think of a time where tried to be God’s lawyer? How did it go?
QUESTION 2: When you hear the parable of the soils, which one sticks out to you the most?
QUESTION 3: What story do you have to tell that could point people to Jesus and are you ready to share it?
Guided Prayer:
Lord we invite you here with us to tonight. Allow us to be sensitive to your presence and what you want to do in us through this message. Help us to be vulnerable yet courageous as we dig in today. Give us the ears to hear and soften our hearts to your words. We thank you for Lord for who you are and all you’ve done. In Jesus name we pray, AMEN!
Action Step:
Write down all of the times that God has shown up or pulled you through something. Meditate and pray about them so that they can be easily recalled and shared. You never know which one of your stories will change someone’s life.
Further Study:
Matthew 13:35
John 3:6
Romans 8:1-6
Romans 8:12-14
Romans 8:31-34
John 14:16-17
John 14:26
Acts 1:8
1 John 3:15
1 Corinthians 2:3-5
2 Timothy 1:12
1 Peter 3:15