Kingdom of God | Greg Ford | One Church

Kingdom of God | Greg Ford | One Church


What is one spiritual tradition you have or always have wanted to have in your life or family?

Discussion Questions:

QUESTION 1: What traditional characteristics or old mindsets do you need to power wash, to see the New Kingdom?

QUESTION 2: The ministry of the Kingdom is to go into all the world. What baby steps can you take to further the Kingdom of God?

QUESTION 3: Your eternal identity is that you are a child of God, a co-heir with Christ. How does knowing this change the way you see your role in the Kingdom?

Guided Prayer:

We thank you Jesus for the cross! We pray that you would give us understanding in who You are and what your Kingdom looks like. Help us Lord to walk in unity with one another, loving each other as you first loved us. We pray for uninhibited boldness to share the Good News of Jesus and we thank you for the fruit of the Spirit as we show the world who you are!

Action Step:

Ask yourself, who you know who…

Recently lost someone or something important?

Walking through a painful situation?

Is in a season of confusion?

Who would find value in this community?

Be bold and invite them to join you at church this weekend!

Further Study:

Matthew 4:18-19

Matthew 4:21

1 Corinthians 12:1-27

Matthew 16:18

Mark 12:1

Mark 6:2-3

Psalms 37:23-24

MESSAGE SERIES GROUPS Video Recap & Discussion Guide

One Church