God on the Job | Greg Ford | One Church

God on the Job | Greg Ford | One Church


Take a minute to brag about yourself. What is one accomplishment people might not know about that makes you proud?

Discussion Questions:

QUESTION 1: How has your development as a disciple of Jesus affected how you do your job?

QUESTION 2: How do you view your role in the body of Christ?

QUESTION 3: Do you have any spiritual daily routines/habits?

Guided Prayer:

Lord, thank you for caring about our jobs. You know exactly where we are and we trust that you can use us right where we are. In fact, your word says whatever we do, do it whole heartily as to the Lord, Colossians 3:23. Give us eyes to see every place that you have put us as any opportunity to show people who Jesus is. Give us ears to hear what you want to say to the people around us. And give us courage to invite people into a relationship with you, in Jesus name.

Action Step:

This week, be intentional about listening to God’s direction as you walk into your place a work. Practice asking God for the solution to the problems around you and journal what He is teaching you this week.

Further Study:

Matthew 4:18-19

Matthew 4:21

1 Corinthians 12:1-27

Matthew 16:18

Mark 12:1

Mark 6:2-3

Psalms 37:23-24

MESSAGE SERIES GROUPS Video Recap & Discussion Guide

One Church