Known | Greg Ford | One Church

Known | Greg Ford | One Church


If you are at the zoo, what animal do you enjoy watching most and why?

Discussion Questions:

QUESTION 1: Has there been a time in your life when you remember feeling alone, and felt like no one really knows you? Share

QUESTION 2: When you develop the skill of empathy you give people the gift of being known. How have you shown empathy towards someone in a way that they feel seen and known? (ie. spouse, child, friend, stranger)

QUESTION 3: How has God resurrected something in your life that was once dead? (ie. relationship, healing, freedom, restoration)

Guided Prayer:

Thank you Jesus that we are fully known and fully loved by you. We ask you to show us know who you say we are and teach us who You are. Surround us with like minded people that as iron sharpens iron,
so one person sharpens another. Help us to truly see people and love them as you have loved us, in Jesus name.

Action Step:

This week challenge yourself to really listen to what people around you are saying about who they are, and what it is that they care about. Take this same concept of discovering who people really are into your time with God and in reading the Bible. Journal what God is showing you about who He is.

Further Study:

Philippians 3:10-11

Philippians 2:7

Hebrews 4:15

Matthew 27:34

2 Corinthians 5:21

1 Peter 2:24

Romans 5:8

Galatians 2:20

Romans 8:11-13

MESSAGE SERIES GROUPS Video Recap & Discussion Guide

One Church