The Shepherd Isn't Lost | Greg Ford | One Church

 The Shepherd Isn’t Lost | Greg Ford | One Church


As you grow older, what is one quality you hope to retain (besides a sound mind)?

Discussion Questions:

QUESTION 1: Pastor Greg asked the question, “Is there someone in your life that you are worried about?” In the first two parable it was a relentless pursuit of the Father, but the third the Father was patient, what role are you playing right now?

QUESTION 2: Pastor Greg shared with us the three ways we see God, King - powerful, Judge - justice, and Father - love, which of these three do you most often identify God as? Which one do you need to identify him as more?


Pastor Greg talked about, the lost sheep, the lost coin and the rebellious son, which parable do you most identify with? Can you see yourself in all three?

Guided Prayer:

Father we thank you that we “get to” be the broom in the story of our lives and we don’t have to carry the weight of saving people, even the ones we love the most. God we choose to trust you with our family, friends and all those we love so deeply because you are trustworthy and faithful. We ask you to to fill us with your love right now God. We pray for wisdom and patience as we love those that you have put around us, in Jesus name.

Action Step:

This week, Stay plugged into the love of God by reading your bible, take a walk and talk to Him, or spend some worshipping this week. Make a list of the people that you are worried about and surrender each of them to God, believing that He is able to save them and set them free from any attack of the enemy. Pray for yourself that God would pour his love over you.

Further Study:

John 1:14

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Luke 15:4-20

John 15:5

James 5:16

MESSAGE SERIES GROUPS Video Recap & Discussion Guide

One Church