John 10 | Greg Ford - Shane Huey - Eddie Parker IV | One Church

 The Power of Interpretation | Greg Ford | One Church


What is one favorite activity from childhood you wish you could do now?

What is one thing you are passionate about?

Discussion Questions:

QUESTION 1: Like the Shepherd who lays down at the gate to protect the sheep, what or who has God called you to protect and lay your life down for, explain?

QUESTION 2: How do you hear God’s voice the best, share an example (ie. scripture, sermon, quiet time, prayer)?

QUESTION 3: As a follower of Jesus, is there any area God wants you to follow better? As a shepherd, is there anything God wants to show you about how your leading, share?

Guided Prayer:

Father we thank you that we have ears to hear and eyes to see what you are saying and doing. We are not sheep without a Shepherd. Lord we ask that you would help us in hearing your voice and we reject every thought that we can not hear you in Jesus name.

Action Step:

This week, practice hearing God’s voice. Spend time reading the scripture, praying and spending quiet time with God. Write down what He is sharing with you.

Further Study:

John 10:10

John 10:1-11

Deuteronomy‬ ‭28:6‬

Psalms 121:8

Romans 6:19-23

Psalms 23:1

Luke 22:25-27

John 21:17

MESSAGE SERIES GROUPS Video Recap & Discussion Guide

One Church