Why Do You Have So Little Faith? | Greg Ford | One Church

 Why Do You Have So Little Faith? | Greg Ford | One Church


In the Bible, God give some figures "new names.” What would you want your new name to be and why? (These can be characteristics, something funny or even just a favorite name with a good association.)

Discussion Questions:

QUESTION 1: What do you expect from God when you walk through hard times? Is your heart open to receive what He gives you, whether that be solutions or support?

QUESTION 2: Greg said, what you do with your pain may be the single most important thing in your life. Do you take your pain seriously? How do you numb your pain?

QUESTION 3: How do you deal with fear and doubt? What fear can you learn to overcome with peace?

Guided Prayer:

God we thank you that you have promised to never leave us or forsake us. Regardless of the storms that will come our way, we know that you are in it with us. You are guiding us by your Spirit. Everything else in this world may fail, but Lord you never will. Let your perfect peace rest on us and fear be far from us, in Jesus name!

Action Step:

Pastor Greg reminded us that when the Presence of God shows up, fear goes away. This week, I want to encourage you to practice resting in God’s Presence. Take time to sit and listen to Him, turn on some worship music and thank Him for who He is. Journal what He is sharing with you.

Further Study:

Matthew 14:1-14

Matthew 14:30-31

Matthew 6:25-27

Hebrews 11

Matt 11:11

Luke 10:27

Mark 6

MESSAGE SERIES GROUPS Video Recap & Discussion Guide

One Church