Found Under The Fig Tree | Shane Huey | One Church

 Found Under The Fig Tree | Shane Huey | One Church


If you got something spiritual tattooed on your body, what it would be and what would it symbolize? If you already have a spiritual tattoo, why did you get it? What does it symbolize?

Discussion Questions:

QUESTION 1: Shane talked about Philip sharing the Good News of Jesus to Nathanael. Have you had the kind of encounter with Jesus to tell others about him? Have you done so recently and if not what holds you back?

QUESTION 2: What in your life is like Nazareth where nothing good has come from it and is holding you back? What are some of the blind spots that has cut you off from the truth?

QUESTION 3: When Jesus told Nathaniel He saw him under the fig tree Nathaniel knew that Jesus saw the real him and accepted him fully. How has Jesus shown you that He KNOWS you, SEES you, and loves You just the same?

Guided Prayer:

God we thank you that you Know us and See us, just as we are! We are fully known and fully loved by you. Lord we ask that you would continue to show us the truth of who You are and who you say we are! We position our hearts to hear your voice and and to receive your perfect love for us, in Jesus name.

Action Step:

Philip, was compelled to share his encounter with Jesus with Nathaniel. This week, think of your own encounter with Jesus and tell someone about Him. Be bold and invite them to church and trust that God will prepare their hearts to receive it.

Further Study:

Colossians chapter 1

Luke chapter 15

John 1:43-50

Mark 10:29-30

Micah chapter 4

MESSAGE SERIES GROUPS Video Recap & Discussion Guide

One Church