Homecoming King | Eddie Parker IV | One Church

 Homecoming King | Eddie Parker IV | One Church


Put one person on the "hot seat" (with their permission) asking them a series of questions quickly, such as:

  • What is your favorite road trip snack?

  • Three apps on your phone you can't live without?

  • What is one thing you are passionate about?

Discussion Questions:

QUESTION 1: Pastor Eddie reminds us that, sometimes we are in something extremely significant, but we can’t acknowledge it because it doesn’t seem big. What are some areas in your life that seem small to you but has great significance in what God wants to do IN you? Breakthrough starts with a small mustard seed. What are the mustard seeds in your life that you can be grateful for?

QUESTION 2: Our daily doses of dopamine have become debilitating distractions. What are some distractions in your life and are pulling you away from what God is calling you to?

QUESTION 3: People love to put Labels on you because “Labels Limit”. Is there a label that you have been given (from someone else or given yourself) that has limited you?

Guided Prayer:

God we thank you that you call us sons and daughters. We break off every label that others have given us, and every label that we have given ourselves that does not line up with who you say we are. In the name of Jesus we call them null and void! They will no longer bear fruit in our lives.

Today we put on the labels that you have given us, we put on love and righteousness, sonship and daughter-ship in Jesus name.

Action Step:

Is there something that God has been speaking to you about doing and you’ve been hesitant? This week, ask the Lord what you can do to be obedient. Write it down and believe God for a plan to execute.

Further Study:

Mark 2:1-12

Philippians 1:12-14

MESSAGE SERIES GROUPS Video Recap & Discussion Guide

One Church