The Faith of Jairus | Shane Huey | One Church

The Faith of Jairus | Shane Huey | One Church


What was your childhood hobby?

Discussion Questions:

QUESTION 1: Has there been a time in your life where you felt strong, but when a storm or tail hit you lost trust in God?

QUESTION 2: Was there a time in your life where you let Jesus carry or lead you through a storm? How did that affect your relationship with Him?

QUESTION 3: What may be something that you need to lay down in order to make room for God’s blessing, power, provision or power?

Guided Prayer:

Thank you Lord for allowing us to sit in your presence today. Let us be sensitive to your spirit. We invite you here. Allow us to pick through those areas in our heart that you are wanting to work on today. Let us have softened hearts, and open ears and minds. Give us grace as we continue to grow in our relationship with you. Thank you for what you’ve already done in us and through us. We wait in anticipation of what you want to do today. Thank you for your love, grace and mercy. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

Action Step:

Write down a couple instances where you felt that you were battling the war alone. Pair off in groups and pray for each other. Ask God to show you where He was in the midst of those instances and to recall how He brought you through it.

Further Study:

Mark 5:1-43

Hebrews 11:6

One Church