Learning to Love Interruptions | Greg Ford | One Church

Learning to Love Interruptions | Greg Ford | One Church


What are you most looking forward to in the spring season?

Discussion Questions:

QUESTION 1: What do you do with the interruptions that you can avoid? What about the ones that you can’t avoid?

QUESTION 2: Pastor Greg talked about the interruptions of Jairus and the women with the issue of blood happening simultaneously. Have you ever been faced with two important interruptions and how did you deal with it? Would you have chosen differently afterwards?

QUESTION 3: What areas in your life can you take a break from emphasizing productivity or the quantifiable measures?

Guided Prayer:

Thank you Jesus for allowing us to sit in your presence and get to know you better. Allow our minds to focus on you and what you are wanting to do in our lives. We pray for grace for ourselves and others as we dig into what you want to show us. Help us lay it all at your feel and follow the direction that you are leading us. Give us wisdom and guidance on how to handle the interruptions that we face this week. Thank you for all that you do in us and through us. Continue to use us for your glory and remind us of who we are in you. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Action Step:

Write down the interruptions that come your way for the next week. Do this daily and examine. Write down your reactions and pray about the “Why” of that reaction. Note any trends and ask God to help you dig into the causes of those reactions.

Further Study:

Mark 5:21-24

Mark 6:47-48

MESSAGE SERIES GROUPS Video Recap & Discussion Guide

One Church