one church: columbus, ohio- Easter sunday
Jesus Cleanses The Temple
SCRIPTURE: Matthew 21:12–22, Mark 11:15–19, Luke 19:45-48, and John 2:13-17.
MEDITATIONAL THOUGHT: Some of the most magnificent structures erected in Europe are Cathedrals that were once a place for spiritual life and are now little more than a museum. In many cases, these one time vibrant sanctuaries of life and hope are now a mortuary to remember dead saints. What happened? How does a vital congregation go out of business for the lack of an audience? Jesus addressed that question on Holy Monday when he visited one of the synagogues in Jerusalem. He did not discover a Church like One Church that is filled with worship and worshippers, rather He witnessed the House of God had become a shopping center open for business that was exploiting the people’s faith. Jesus reveals His outrage by taking a whip and driving out the money changers for violating God’s intended purpose. Jesus states the purpose of a House of Worship with these words “my house shall be called a house of prayer.” This is why we reserve a time in our worship services for inviting people to come to the altar for prayer. Pastor Greg has stated multiple times, “prayer is not the least thing we do, it is the most important thing.” Why, because prayer is the means for connecting with God and accessing His power, provision and presence.
The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 6:19 compares our body to being the temple of God. One implied question that this lesson asks of us is, are there areas of our life that need to be addressed so that our temple is living out its intended purpose, a place of prayerful communion with God. Holy week is an appropriate opportunity to look at our heart and honestly ask; in the activities of my daily rhythms, how important is prayer a part of my walk with Christ? This question is not to ignite shame or guilt but to be reminded that prayer is the key to living a vital and victorious life.
APPLICATION QUESTIONS: Since my body is the place where God lives, are there areas of my life that I need to repent that will free me to be more connected to Jesus? What are some steps I can take to make my life more effective as a “house of prayer? ”
GUIDED PRAYER: Jesus, please reveal to me anything in my life that is displeasing to you and is bringing spiritual death rather than life to my walk with You. Give me the power to repent and to recommit to making You the Lord of my life. Show me ways that I can structure my life so that my body where Your Spirit dwells is truly a “house of prayer” that draws me closer to You. Make my heart a Sanctuary where Your presence and power in my life is a testimony to those You place in my life that need Your forgiveness and healing. Amen.
We would love for you to join us for Easter Services at One Church, Saturday 5:30pm and 7pm- Sunday at 9:00am, 10:30am and 12:00pm. CLICK HERE for more details.