What is Celebrate Recovery?

Celebrate Recovery is a Christian Bible-based recovery program that helps individuals find freedom from hurt, pain or addiction of any kind. Only 1 in 3 attend Celebrate Recovery for substance abuse. Many are finding freedom from life's struggles such as anxiety, perfectionism, food issues, depression, pornography, betrayal trauma, child abuse, and addiction of any kind.


join us Wednesdays at 6pm


join us Wednesdays at 6pm -

What is CR?

Celebrate Recovery is for EVERYONE—no one should face their pain alone. In our grace-filled community, we confront our pain and negative patterns, finding healing and embracing new truths through a biblically-based approach for lasting recovery.


frequently asked questions

  • Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered 12-step program for anyone struggling with ANY hurt, habit or hangup.  Our vision is that everyone go through the program to find freedom from past wounds that hold them back from experience all God has planned!   

  • Celebrate Recovery is open 52 weeks a year as a drop-in meeting.  There is no registration required to attend.  

    Meetings are held EVERY Wednesday night in the main building at One Church.  Go in the main entrance, turn right and then left past the restrooms.  You'll see signage and leaders welcoming you.  

    We gather for fellowship and to get to know each other at 6:00pm and then the meeting is from 6:30pm - 8:30pm.    

  • EVERYONE can benefit from Celebrate Recovery!  

    While the word 'recovery' eludes to being focused on addition, Celebrate Recovery is designed to help people find freedom from ANY hurt, habit or hangup.  

    Yes, it addresses addiction of any kind, including drugs, alcohol, gambling, food, shopping, electronics, sex, porn, and other. Still, it also helps people unpack unhealthy emotional responses or coping skills like anger, worry, fear, bitterness, resentment, control, depression, anxiety, denial, enabling, guilt, grief, avoidance, trust, perfectionism, procrastination and much more.  

    We all have issues from our past or present that could use God's healing to move forward with freedom.  People appreciate how real and transparent people are in CR meetings and learn they are not alone! 

    Come check it out!